Tutorial SpeakersDr Benjamin BESGA, ILM, Université Lyon I "Stochastic thermodynamics experiments in an optical trap" Benjamin Besga is a CNRS researcher at the Institut Lumière Matière near Lyon. His research focuses on the study of the optical and mechanical properties of luminescent nano-particles in an optical trap. He obtained his PhD in quantum optics in Paris (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel). He then studied optomechanics in Sydney (Macquarie University) and Grenoble (Institut Néel), before turning to non-equilibrium thermodynamics in Lyon (ENS Lyon).
Dr Thomas Brunet, Université de Bordeaux "Experimental search for 3D Anderson localisation of acoustic (scalar) waves" Thomas Brunet received his Ph.D. in physics from the University Paris-Est in 2006. His doctorate dealt with the propagation of elastic waves in dry and wet granular media. Then, he joined the Institut des NanoSciences de Paris where he became interested in phononic crystals. In 2010, he was recruited at Bordeaux INP as associate professor of mechanical engineering and has since extended his research into acoustic waves in complex media to a wide range of systems, from soft porous materials to strongly scattering resonant media. In particular, Thomas Brunet’s researches aim at developing new (soft) acoustic metamaterial-based devices. He is also interested in fundamental aspects of exotic wave transport regimes such as Anderson localization.
Pr Tracy Northup, University of Innsbruck, Austria “Levitated optomechanics with nanoparticles in an ion trap” Tracy Northup is a professor of experimental physics at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Her research explores quantum interfaces between light and matter, focusing on trapped-ion and cavity-based interfaces for quantum networks and quantum optomechanics. She received her PhD from the California Institute of Technology in 2008 and then held an appointment as a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Innsbruck, where she was the recipient of a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship and an Elise Richter Fellowship. She became an assistant professor at the University of Innsbruck in 2015 and has been a full professor since 2017; she held an Ingeborg Hochmair Professorship from 2017 to 2022.
Dr Clément Lacroute (Institut FEMTO-ST) "Surface-electrodes ion trap for optical frequency metrology"
Pr Pascal Ruello, Université du Mans "Generation and detection of GHz-THz acoustic phonon with ultrafast light pulses : from semiconductors to ferroic materials" Pascal Ruello is professor of Physics at Le Mans University (France) since 2009 and member of the UMR CNRS Institute of Molecules and Materials (IMMM) of Le Mans University. Graduated in solid states physics from Rennes University (Magistère Physics), he obtained his PhD in materials science from the Ecole Centrale Paris (now CentraleSupelec) in 2001. As an assistant professor at the University of Le Mans in 2002, he carried out research in the field of ultrafast science, focusing on the generation and detection of GHz-THz coherent phonons. In particular, he contributed to the description of the physical mechanisms of phonon generation (electron-phonon coupling) and acousto-optic effects at the picosecond time scale in semiconductors, topological insulators and multiferroic materials.
Pr Clivia Sotomayor, International Iberial Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal Clivia obtained her PhD in Physics (Manchester Univ., UK 1984). She held tenured appointments at St. Andrews and Glasgow Universities and became a C4 professor at Wuppertal Univ. (Germany 1996). During 2004-8 she was a research professor at Univ. College Cork, Tyndall National Institute (Ireland). Since 2007 she is at ICN2 and heads a 17-strong team working on phonon engineering and nanofabrication.Her group investigates new concepts for multi-state variables based on the engineered interactions of phonons with photons, electrons and magnons, in device-like structures.
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