Practical information

The conference will not take place at Besancon.


Where will it take place ?


The conference will be held at Institut Néel in Grenoble the 30th of Septmber and the 1st of October 2024. The talks will be given in the Amphithéâtre Of the A building.

The exact adress is: Institut Néel, 25 Avenue des Martyrs, 38042 Grenoble

How to reach us ?


From the SNCF train station take the Tramway, line B, until the last stop (Pont d'Oxford).

The Institut Néel entrance is 100 metres away, see the map below.



Important: A personnal authorisation is mandatory to enter the site. You will recieve one once you are registered. Be sure to carry it with you (paper or electronic form ).


Navigate to the room


Inside the CNRS site, go straight to the A building (the tallest one).

     - To reach the Amphithéâtre take the stairs on your right

     - To reach the "Salle de convivialité" for the lunch, go straight, cross the main corridor and take the stairs to the first floor.


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